What’s The Data Racket?
The Data Racket will offer perspectives on data and analytics, their ever-expanding uses in business, and technologies, products and ideas emerging that will shape how these lead to value for more and more people– while also providing a livelihood for one product manager based (at this writing) in Silicon Valley.
Some content will be my own analysis, some will be pointers to interesting and important reads, usually with commentary. And occasionally, if I’m lucky, I will be able to feature guest comments from people smarter and more knowledgeable than myself.
This is all a work in progress — suggestions and contributions welcome.
About the Author
Carnot “Antonio” Romero is a product manager who was lucky enough to stumble into the world of data warehousing, integration and data management just as Big Data started showing up on most people’s radar. The years since have been bumpy, but certainly never boring. 🙂